STREAM 2: Building back better or continuing as we are?


Welcome from the Chair



Health systems resilience during COVID-19: Lessons for building back better

One of the lessons drawn from the responses to the pandemic is to strengthen health systems resilience – the ability to absorb, adapt and transform external shocks. It is urgent: while the virus is still raging in Europe and elsewhere, the next shock is just around the corner, be it another virus, a debt crisis, or a migration crisis. From the COVID-19 responses, a set of strategies has appeared. What do countries need to do now? How can international cooperation and agencies support strengthening of health system resilience? What do policy makers need to know for the future?

Francesca Colombo

Francesca Colombo

Head of the Health Division, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


Creating an Irish NHS: Our experiment with nationalising the hospital system: What have we learned?

What have we learned from the government’s move to take over private hospitals last year? Could it pave the way to creating a fully nationalised integrated hospital system?

Dr. Brian Turner

Dr. Brian Turner

Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, University College Cork


Q&A with speakers


PANEL DISCUSSION: The future shape of healthcare: Patient engagement and designing care around the individual

COVID-19 pushed hospitals to the limit worldwide, which has caused a complete rethink about their future role. Instead of utilising continuous improvement principles, evidence-based hospital design is causing an entire paradigm shift. Hospitals could become specialist hubs with outpatient services being made available in the community. What will the future look like?

Derick Mitchell

Derick Mitchell

CEO, Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science and Industry(IPPOSI)

Mary Day

Mary Day

Chief Executive, St. James’s Hospital

