I have been in the Irish Navy for 8 and half years. When I finished Recruit Training I went on to train as a Seaman and later decided to go down the trade route. As an Engine Room Artificer (ERA), my job is to maintain and operate the main engines, auxiliary machinery and various other supporting systems and equipment throughout the Navy Ships and small boats. I have completed 4 years of the SOLAS trade, Mechanical Automation and Maintenance Fitter Apprenticeship, which means I am a now Qualified. I am now completing the Potential Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) Course so I can train for a leadership position as an ERA on a ship.
On completion of the potential NCO’s course I will be posted to a ship where I will spend 2 years working alongside more experienced ERAs so I can develop my professional engineering skills as well as my leadership skills. My responsibilities will include monitoring the gauges and temperatures of all the machinery, ensuring that the ship remains operationally ready and rectifying any issues that occur while completely isolated from any shore based assistance. I will do two four hour watches per day where I will be assisted by a Mechanician. On completion of my time at sea, I expect to be posted to a unit that supports the maintenance of the ships (main engines, auxiliary machinery, Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) etc.) or the training of Navy Engine Room staff in the National Maritime College of Ireland which is part of the Munster Technological University (MTU).